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Reverend Linda J. Ivey is passionate in serving the Lord and spreading the Holy Gospel. Read the endorsements for her below to learn about how she becomes a channel of blessing to others.

Reverend Ivey is my daughter in the ministry and her work is a reflection of my teachings.

– Reverend Doctor John L. Payne

Reverend Ivey is a mighty women of God and I was able to discern the anointing of God on her life long ago and it continues to grow stronger and stronger.

– Apostle Loretta Buckholtz

Thank you for allowing God to use you in a mighty way.

– Reverend Betsy Ivey

Thank you for being an awesome women of God and a blessing in my life.

– Reverend Willie McNeil

I thank God for your being a Godly vessel and I appreciate everything you have taught me in Sunday school. You have truly been a blessing in my life.

– Sister Mildred Hilton

You have been an inspiration to all women who are pursuing the things of God.

– Sister Dominique Jones

Please continue to walk with the Lord and allow Him to bring you into His Glory.

– Sister Tiffanie Ballou

Thank you for all you’ve done.

– Deaconess Delores Mayer

You have shown me how God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

– Deacon Charlie Jackson

You have been such a blessing with your words of encouragement and love for God’s people.

– Trustee V. Darlene Johnson

I’d need to be reminded that God loved me just as I was and you helped me to remember.

– Pearl Stevenson

Thank you for God’s always speaking God’s truth and wisdom.

– Minister Mildred Samuels

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Linda J. Ivey Ministries

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